Theatre Living in ACTion (Buh Dum Psh....)
Well, since I seem to be having some blog commitment issues, it's time to start a 30 day challenge! Yes....a! But not just any challenge....a musical theatre challenge. Woohoo! Now first, a quick disclaimer: though I love musical theatre, I am a theatre student....meaning I do all sorts of theatre, not just the singing/dancing kind. OK! Now that I've gotten out my moment of pretention, let the challenge begin! Woot! 

So without further ado this is it:

1. The most underrated musical.

2. A musical that makes you happy.
3. A musical that makes you sad.
4. Favourite song from a musical.
5. First musical obsession.
6. A musical that was cut too short.
7. A musical from your favorite composer.
8. Favorite Off-Broadway musical.
9. A musical that you once loved but now you hate.
10. Current musical obsession.
11. A musical that you hate.
12. A musical that is your guilty pleasure.
13. Favorite Broadway Diva.
14. Favorite Broadway Divo.
15. A musical you would have loved to see on stage.
16. A musical that disappointed you.
17. Favorite adapted musical.
18. The musical that you’ve seen most recently.
19. A musical that was robbed of the Tony.
20. A musical that you think is overrated.
21. Least favorite musical from your favorite composer.
22. A musical that had a huge impact on you.
23. A musical that you’ve been in.
24. A musical that you’ve seen more than once.
25. A musical with the best choreography.
26. A musical that you know by heart.
27. Best revival of a musical.
28. A musical with the best costume design.
29. A musical with the best all around cast.
30. Favorite musical of all time.

LET THE GAMES................BEGIN!!!!!

Day #1: The Most Underrated Musical

Jane Eyre: The Musical

Alright, I'll admit it....I am more than slightly biased since Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre" is my favorite book. However, if you listen to the sound track to this beautiful musical you will find a collection of fantastic songs highlighted by some absolutely amazing singers. While the majority of the music is dark and mysterious it also has moments of comedy, romance, and a sincere sweetness that makes it a favorite of mine.  Also, for those Secret Garden (the musical) fans out there, Jane Eyre has the same hauntingly beautiful feel that can only be found on a windy English moor. Technically speaking, this show also has some pretty awesome stuff. It is very dark (literally) and the set can range anywhere from small to epic while still retaining the essence of the story. The music is full of lovely duets that can make your heart flutter one second, and your skin crawl the next. Though I do realize that this particular musical isn't meant for everyone, it is way underrated and needs a few more adoring fans! 

Here is "Sirens" - one of my favorite's from Jane Eyre-The Musical:

Livvi Renee